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Practical lessons, resources, and news for the UX/UI community. Learn the real-world skills, methods, and tools that help you build user-first experiences. We make resources like practical tutorials, the Design Tools Survey, the Design Tools Database, and UX Challenges. Join 60k+ other designers and sign up for the newsletter to get product design mastery in just 5 minutes a week.

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How to rethink the design handoff 🚀

Welcome back. Last week, I watched Papyrus 2 air on Saturday Night Live. And—humor aside—I realized it offers a great design learning: The importance of communicating design choices early and often to stakeholders. Throughout my 14-year design career, I’ve learned that early comms 1) nip questions in the bud so I can design faster and more intentionally and 2) communicate my value as a designer to the team at large. It takes practice—but keep at it. P.S. You have one more week to enter my...

Welcome back. Over the long weekend, I've been thinking about isolation in design—and how it can tank your career in this unpredictable tech landscape. That's why I'm doubling down on community and continuous learning. So here's your post-holiday challenge: As we dive back in, think about how you're pushing your craft forward. Join a Slack group. Hit a virtual meetup. Share what you know. Every bit counts. —Tommy (@DesignerTom) The Wireframe: Five tips for mastering micro interactions Create...

Welcome back. As designers, we often focus on technical skills…but what about the subtler signs of growth? This week, I shared a LinkedIn post outlining seven key indicators that you're evolving as a product designer. Spoiler alert: It's not about tools. It's about transforming how you think, communicate, and solve problems. So, as we dive in today, ask yourself: What's been clicking for you lately that has nothing to do with your technical skills? —Tommy (@DesignerTom) The Wireframe:...

Welcome back. Lately, I've noticed a trend of designers dismissing new tools and ideas without truly exploring them. It's made me wonder: How often do we let skepticism morph into creativity-killing cynicism? The truth is, every game-changing product started with someone willing to try something new (like this Twitch icon whose tweet changed my entire life). So this week, I'm challenging myself—and all of you—to approach our work with open minds and a willingness to experiment. Who knows?...

Welcome back. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the product graveyard—you know, that digital cemetery for once-beloved tech products. It's got me feeling nostalgic…and curious. Why do some products die while others thrive? What can we learn from their demise? In a new TikTok series, I'm diving into the stories of memorable defunct products (think: Google Reader and Vine) and the lessons they offer for designers and product folks. Turns out, there's a lot we can learn from these digital...

Welcome back. I've been on a design tool bender lately, diving into some niche up-and-comers. You know how it goes: One minute you're browsing Product Hunt, the next you're five tabs deep exploring InfaAI's design system superpowers or how Dessn ships design changes without code. In this X thread, I share some favorite finds. Try them out and let me know what you think. —Tommy (@DesignerTom) The Wireframe: How to influence your team at each phase of org growth The "right" time to start a...

Welcome back. What’s your design mantra? I’d love to know the short saying, old adage, or phrase that’s on repeat when you’re elbows deep in Figma and trying to keep your head on straight. This one really stuck with me → —Tommy (@DesignerTom) The Wireframe: There’s no universal blueprint for team-building Defining team strengths 💪 What are the best ways of working? How to Build a Design Team From the Ground Up If you’ve ever been a design team of one working on a high-growth product with a...

Welcome back. No matter how stressful your week may get, just remember: There’s no way it’s as stressful as the week the engineering team at CrowdStrike is having (you can read about the chaos right here). Life is all about perspective, huh? —Tommy (@DesignerTom) The Wireframe: The Venn diagram of PMs and designers What PMs need to know about design Some great UX jobs Navigating the PM x Designer Overlap If you’ve ever lived with a roommate, partner, or really anyone…you know things run more...

Welcome back. I have a confession: I don’t love listening to design podcasts. I know, I know—someone who’s all about leveling up your career with self-taught tactics should *probably* be more into podcasts. But I haven’t been…at least not until now. I recently found two shows I love: Sneak Peek, which gives listeners an inside look at top designers’ Figma files, and Dive Club, which features interviews with super talented designers from some of the biggest firms around. Do you listen to...

Welcome back. Let’s face it: We all want to level up our skills, and improving your visual design is no exception. But there’s not a magic solution to suddenly become the designer you’ve always wanted to be (at least not yet). What we can do? Practice, practice, practice. You know I’m all about putting in the work to earn your edge as a designer, and today is about doing just that. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work. —Tommy (@DesignerTom) The Wireframe: My POV on taste vs. mechanics A...

Welcome back. Last week was one for the books. Config 2024 was a d*mn good time, from hearing brilliant speakers to hanging at the after parties to accidentally blocking an intersection with our driverless car. I knew we’d get some huge announcements from Figma, but I wasn’t prepared for how meaningful it was to hang out with so many of you. I have a lot of thoughts about Figma AI, UI3, and Figma Slides, but I want to know what you think first. Hit reply and let me know. Since we’re all...